Rhinoplasty: a nuanced procedure that requires a masterful facial cosmetic surgeon

Rhinoplasty: a nuanced procedure that requires a masterful facial cosmetic surgeon

Rhinoplasty is one of the top most popular cosmetic procedures for good reason: it can improve the appearance of the entire face, creating both symmetry and balance, and can even improve nasal function. But rhinoplasty is a relatively complex surgery, and not all surgeons advertising the procedure have the same credentials or experience. 

In this post, we’ll explain why it’s imperative that you find a skilled facial cosmetic surgeon for your rhinoplasty. Understanding the fundamental complexity of the procedure is an important place to start.

What is a rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, a.k.a. a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure performed to enhance the appearance and/or functionality of the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed in order to: 

  • Reduce a dorsal hump by removing bone and cartilage to flatten the bridge of the nose
  • Narrow the bridge of the nose by removing small amounts of bone on the sides of the bridge to create a narrower, more symmetrical facial profile
  • Correct a bulbous nose tip by removing cartilage from the tip of the nose
  • Correct the appearance and function of a previously-broken nose by fixing a deviated septum or blocked nasal passage, and/or correcting a dorsal hump and re-aligning the bridge
  • Reshape the nostrils by removing or adding nasal tissue

There are two types of rhinoplasty:

Closed rhinoplasty is performed inside of the nose. All incisions are made on the nasal membrane and are hidden within the nose. Your surgeon may use an endoscope to assist with surgery. Aside from the absence of visible scarring, a closed rhinoplasty also has the benefit of a quicker recovery period. Closed rhinoplasty is typically not a good choice for patients seeking a revisionary rhinoplasty.

Open rhinoplasty requires your surgeon to lift the skin from your nasal structure to expose the nasal membrane. Incisions are made at the base of the nose (also known as the “columella”) and inside both nostrils to release the skin, and sutures are then used to re-fasten skin after your surgeon has adequately reshaped your nose. Because incisions are made on the outside of the nose, open rhinoplasty can leave minimal scarring. While open rhinoplasty has a longer recovery period than closed rhinoplasty, it allows your surgeon to have a better view of the nasal structure. Open rhinoplasty is typically performed on patients who have a significant nasal deformity, require a cartilage graft, wish to extensively modify the tip of their nose, or are seeking revisionary rhinoplasty. 

What is non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Patients seeking cosmetic treatment are increasingly asking for non-surgical procedures, and rhinoplasty is no different. Non-surgical rhinoplasty (a.k.a. a “liquid nose job”) can be performed using dermal fillers (typically hyaluronic acid-based) to reduce the appearance of a dorsal hump, provide symmetry to the nasal profile, project a flat nose, and balance the face. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can also be a great way for a patient to view the results of his or her rhinoplasty without committing to surgery. 

However, keep in mind that non-surgical rhinoplasty can’t improve the function, narrow the bridge, or decrease the size of the nose, and results diminish after one year.

How to help ensure optimal rhinoplasty results

Working with a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon, understanding what results to expect from your surgery, and enhancing your surgery with other facial procedures can help ensure you get the optimal results from your rhinoplasty.

1. Work with a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon

When you choose a cosmetic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (ABFCS), you can ensure that he or she has completed extensive hands-on training, gone through a rigorous examination process, and follows the rigorous safety rules set forth by the organization.

The ABFCS is the only board dedicated exclusively to certifying surgeons in the field of facial cosmetic surgery. A board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon will work to deliver attractive rhinoplasty results by: 

  • Having a deep understanding of facial aesthetics as well as the functional and anatomical aspects of the nose
  • Providing thoughtful consulting and detailed explanations of your procedure options based on the patient’s complaints and wishes
  • Tailoring your rhinoplasty procedure plan for the nuances of your face to achieve proportionate, symmetrical results
  • Minimizing scarring and placing incisions inside of the nose when possible
  • Having proper rhinoplasty instrumentation available based on specific technique and procedure of choice and to avoid limitations
  • Considering how a patient’s surgery will look over the long term, so the results will age gracefully with the rest of the face 
  • Prioritizing patient health and safety by only operating in an accredited surgical suite or hospital
  • Staying up-to-date on the latest medical trends and surgical techniques by completing 75 hours of continuing medical education every 10 years

2. Know what to expect from your surgery

You need to ready yourself for the weeks after surgery: rhinoplasty has one of the more extensive recovery periods. Be realistic and plan to take the required time off to aid the healing process.

Before agreeing to have surgery, you also need to be sure you are clear on the results that can realistically be achieved by your surgeon. A review conducted by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal suggests that the most common reason patients are dissatisfied with their rhinoplasty is due to unrealistic expectations. Good communication and imaging tools can help you avoid this pitfall.

ABFCS surgeons have completed extensive training, gone through a rigorous examination process, and follow the rigorous safety rules set forth by the organization.

Importantly, a surgeon’s skill must be acknowledged as the most fundamental key to satisfaction with a rhinoplasty procedure. Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most difficult cosmetic surgeries to perform and many dissatisfied patients simply lacked a skilled surgeon.

For these reasons, it’s critical that patients find a cosmetic surgeon who is both communicative and fully capable of achieving their desired results (as proven with photos of their past patients). ABFCS surgeons prioritize patient education and will help you understand the full spectrum of your procedure. You should also expect your facial cosmetic surgeon to have a qualified, supportive medical team assisting you throughout the process.

3. Enhance your rhinoplasty with these cosmetic procedures

Once you’ve incorporated the above suggestions, consider enhancing your rhinoplasty results with one or more of these procedures:

  • Chin augmentation. A silicone chin implant can add strength to a weak or recessed chin and improve one’s overall facial profile by providing a sharper, more pronounced appearance to the chin. Dermal fillers can provide a temporary augmentation without surgery.
  • Cheek enhancement. A skilled surgeon can volumize and contour the cheeks using dermal fillers, silicone implants, or a patient’s own fat (a process known as “fat grafting”).
  • Jaw enhancement. Jawline surgery can be performed to enlarge and define the jaw to give the chin a slimmer look.
  • Facelift. A facelift lifts and tightens skin and muscle to take years off one’s appearance. 
  • Blepharoplasty. Also called an eyelid lift, blepharoplasty can open and brighten the eyes. If you’re concerned with under-eye bags, blepharoplasty can effectively tighten skin and remove fat deposits to smooth and tone the orbital area.
  • Neck lift. If you struggle with excess neck skin (“turkey neck”) and/or fat (“double chin”), a neck lift can make the neck appear longer and slimmer, thus accentuating your rhinoplasty results. 

Choose the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Whether you’re interested in rhinoplasty to improve the appearance or function of your nose, choosing a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon is the number one way to optimize your results. ABFCS surgeons specialize in improving facial aesthetics and are rigorously trained & tested to meet the highest cosmetic surgery benchmarks. Contact one of our board-certified facial cosmetic surgeons today to discuss your rhinoplasty options.

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